This recipe has been ready for a little while and I did want to get it out a little earlier being Christmas and all, but you know, you can’t control when a bug flies into your filling and gets whipped up
 or when it gets too gloomy for photographing or when you do finally photograph it, you’re just not happy with how the photos turn out and you know a redo is coming. Annnyway day 4 or 5 and finally it’s here, and guys, I love love LOVE this tart. I hope you do too.

This recipe has been ready for a little while and I did want to get it out a little earlier being Christmas and all, but you know, you can’t control when a bug flies into your filling and gets whipped up  😳  or when it gets too gloomy for photographing or when you do finally photograph it, you’re just not happy with how the photos turn out and you know a redo is coming. Annnyway day 4 or 5 and finally it’s here, and guys, I love love LOVE this tart. I hope you do too.

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