If there’s one thing I try and avoid, it’s having a stressful morning. Being rushed and hectic is a sure way to set a negative tone for your day, am I right? Even worse is forgetting or not having enough time to eat breakfast, for you or the kids. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’m a huge believer in the slow cooker and breakfast is just another way to make your life easier! If you want to simplify your morning and breakfast, then check out these recipes that will make your mornings a breeze!

If there’s one thing I try and avoid, it’s having a stressful morning. Being rushed and hectic is a sure way to set a negative tone for your day, am I right? Even worse is forgetting or not having enough time to eat breakfast, for you or the kids. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I’m a huge believer in the slow cooker and breakfast is just another way to make your life easier! If you want to simplify your morning and breakfast, then check out these recipes that will make your mornings a breeze!

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